Open the POTX template you want to set as the default.The right location : %appdata%\Microsoft\Templates.Setting the default template requires two things: It may also be a completely different location since it can be set by the user in the backstage under File / Options / Save as shown below (for PowerPoint 2016) This special location for blank.potx should not be confused with the separate location for custom (aka personal) templates which may be the same location or one of these:Ĭ:\Users\UserName\Documents\Custom Office Templates For example:Ĭ:\Users\JohnSmith\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates The %appdata% part is an alias (or shortcut) which resolves to a unique user location on every PC. Somewhat confusingly, the default template is called blank.potx and it resides in the user’s documents area here: In organisations with their own template, it saves a lot of time if that template is presented to users each time PowerPoint starts. It is the template that it used to create the blank presentation you see each time you start PowerPoint. The default template in PowerPoint is a special file.
For Mac users, refer to the section at the end of this article. In the second part, we’ll show how IT admins can deploy the default template to PC users across their organisation. In the first part, we’ll show users how to set the default template on their PC.

This article is for users and IT administrators.

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